Latest Luxury Minimalist Window Design 2018 - The house is a shelter that is often used to protect from hot weather, rain or other weather. In addition, the house is also considered as one of the gathering places for families, a place to devote love and therefore there is a saying that says "My House is my Castle".
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Minimalist house is one of the house models that have a small size, so the size of the room inside is narrow. Besides that, the advantage of this minimalist home model does not require large land in building a house, nor does it require large costs. But still, homeowners must also be able to arrange the layout of existing properties, such as the layout of ventilation, doors, glass and windows.
There are things that are often overlooked, namely the window design, now below are some very important things that need to be considered in making a luxurious minimalist home window design:
1. Size - In terms of size you can condition it according to the room in question, because this size can affect the intensity of the light that will enter, so this can make the room appear wider or instead the room appears to be narrower if there is no light in the room.
2. Color - The colors contained in the window frame must be considered, make sure it must match the color of the wall and also the interior color that looks more dominant in the room. Avoid choosing contrasting colors because this will make the impression look very strange, except if the house with a minimalist style is designed using colorful
3. Ingredients - Choose a suitable material that suits your taste, there is also the most important choice with a material that is strong, durable and not easily damaged.
4. Shape and design - Generally windows have rectangular or square shapes, but you can take advantage of these common shapes and then design them with a very exclusive glass model such as turning, or pulling upwards and so on.
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5. Ornaments - The last in designing minimalist house windows is decoration. Various materials can be used such as scarves, color paper, hangers and so on.
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That was the article about the Luxury Minimalist Home Window Design, hopefully the friend is useful for all of us. Thank you!